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  • Why learn Music?
    Learning music helps improve cognitive functions and motor skills. It requires both right and left atmospheres of the brain to perform the task of playing an instrument. Students whom improve in music would most likely show improvement in other aspects such as academics, sports, concentration/attention, and problem solving/critical thinking ability. They also develop a deeper understanding of patience, hard work, dedication, endurance, empathy, and long term reward gratification. Learning this art does require a long term commitment, however the benefits do outweigh the hurdles that come along the way. A sense of accomplishment occurs when students overcome something that was once difficult or seem impossible to attempt. The words, "It is worth it" best describes the experience for students that learn this art. I myself, find classical music learning to be one of the most challenging things one can pursue in this life. However, due to this, I find other aspects of life easier to tackle and handle. I've met doctors and lawyers who gave the same testimony, however, due to musical training, it allowed them to excel at their profession. Einstein once said, if he was not a physicist, he would of been a violinist. He played, but never felt he was decent at it. Pursing this art will peak one's IQ level and develop it further.
  • Payment Options and Agreement
    Cash, cheque, or e-transfer is accepted at the beginning of each month. If there are any classes that students may miss, please give a 24 hour confirmation to the instructor. In case of emergencies, the instructor will totally understand, and payment would not be charged. Failure to give a 24 hour notice of cancellation, the lesson will be charged per usual. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Should I purchase a violin or rent?
    Violin sizes: 1/16, 1/10, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 4/4 (full size) I recommend renting at a local dealer such as Long & McQuade or Tom Lee. Ask if they have insurance for the instrument if your children is young. Once a student feels like they enjoy the lessons and does not mind the highs and lows of the habitual practice, then I would recommend purchasing one for your own. Give it one year of rental before committing to purchasing, as it is quite an investment. new instrument can range from $500-15,000. I would not go anything lower, and anything higher. Unless they are for sure committed to become a professional violinist, then by all means. If not, gift the instrument as a memento present. Violin can last 300-500 years.
  • Music is expensive
    Violin is considered a high level skill asset. It requires the musician to stay in top shape, sharp/heighted awareness, in sense of touch, sight, cognitive ability of left and right hand doing two very different motor patterns at the same time. It molds the pyschological and physical aspect of a person just as equally. It's a perfect harmony of both theory and practicality. A bridge of "reason" and "reality" These are the traits a student will gain over the years of developing their musicianship. Over time, this developes personal development and character. In music you are constantly developing and heightening your skills and senses. It is a step by step process between the instructor and the learning student. I keep my space a place safe for trial and error, as I believe it helps students get out of their comfort zone without feeling embarrassed in front of a crowd. Students whom are risk takers of stepping out their bubble tend to do better, as they are constantly observing themselves and analyzing how things can improve for the better. When students build enough experience over time, they have quite a strong understanding of what works and what does not work, in the practical sense, thus it helps enrich their knowledge of playing a richer, more beautiful sophisticated sound. Long term students whom pursue classical music training tend to exhibit deeper levels of patience, critical thinking, self improvement, and long term gratification awareness. This comes in handy when they are striving for other goals in life or pursue of career path.
  • Self Commitment system/Practice log
    This method will help with molding self discipline and goal orientation. Reward system. Lessons are once a week starting with 30 minute lessons. It is an endurance workout both physically and mentally, therefore I do not require students to practice too long when they are just starting off. They ease into it over time. Start practicing at 10 minutes 2-3 times a week. As you feel less sore from holding the violin/bow or mental strain from figuring out music note reading, increase 5 minutes each month. The most important take away from this system is building a comfortable/managable habit that does not feel like a chore for the student. When students slowly incorporate this blueprint, they are more likely to build a good working habit and long term commitment. Patience is key. What helps perpetuate the long term commitments are shorter satisfying goals that students target and are able to achieve-- that they can see, hear and experience through playing. If a student would like to get the most of their lesson, they must do their deligence and put in the time and effort. If a student walk into any class at school and do not complete their assignment, they are more likely to not understand the next material given to them during the next class. As an Instructor, I can only guide and put in more effort if the student is able to put in the effort. It's constructive mutual effort. They don't always have to come to class fully prepared, that's what the instructor is there for-- to give students guidelines and tricks to help make the process easier and manageable. However, the lack of effort in trying will always be a hindrance in one's learning ability. Bring a notebook to class, learn to write down your progress and sheet music. See the improvements over the course of time and know you are making progress in your musical journey. I say this from personal experience. It is a good reflection to see writings from my teacher and my own writing on pieces given to me 20 years ago. It brings feeling of nostalgia, comfort, and a sense of accomplishment of the long journey process. You can't help but smile. Lastly, goal setting is incremental like the notches of a ruler. Know the notches you have to take in order to reach a bigger incremental number. One step at a time! Again, Patience is key! :)
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